Helping General Carpenters build high-quality, sustainable, and affordable homes.

Our High Performance Panel Packages are tuned to the regional climate but designed to your specific site!

Packages include:

All Framing,

Weather Resistive Barrier (WRB), Full 3/4” Rainscreen,

100yr Bronze Pest Screen, Passive House Level Airtightness,

R-36 Walls, R-70 Roof, R-41 Floor Insualtion,

Exterior Triple-Pane Doors and Windows.


By leveraging technology with quality craftsmanship, our product consolidates several different trades into one profesionally installed system

  • Reduced risks, accidents and liabilities. Off-site construction limits environmental and liability impacts by bringing production out of the weather and keeping workers safer, productive, and more efficient. 

  • Automation offsets construction costs.  By semi-automating our building process, we offset labor costs and limit the need for specific, hard-to-find labor, keeping your project on schedule and on budget.

  • Our off-site production process is faster. Greatly shortening the construction timeline to about six weeks in the shop and only one week on the job site. Your clients get to move into their home much sooner than they would with traditional building methods.

  • Zero stays Zero. A home that generates all of its own energy on site will continue to do so regardless of what code changes are implemented in the years to come, essentially being future-proof. Your clients will be more comfortable at home, and save on energy bills.

Let’s start a conversation about how we can help you build high-performance for less.